Show at Tompkins on Saturday..

Here are some pics from the show at Tompkins over the weekend..David Peel and The Lower East Side played..not sure the names of any other bands..but David Peel and his cohorts look EXACTLY like they have since I first saw them play when I was 15 or something..People told me he must be about 70..I guess all that MARYJANE has kept him young! It was funny to see little kids dancing around to "Up Against the Wall Motherfucker!"

The lovely lady is Renata Terase..the crazy lady of roses..She did some spoken word about how Jesus was pussy whipped..her outfit was pretty damn awesome I have to say! Plus, she gave out roses to everyone..and the guy selling vegan desserts gave out vegan treats to it was a fun, if not slightly strange show.

Here's the latest bathroom stall drama..someone wants a trust fund! HOOK "EM UP!!!

And there's a pic of Biker Bill hanging out with David Peel..I like seeing David play-even though it's the same thing every makes me feel like I am participating in some sort of 60's rally or show..He has just been around forever and played with freaking John Lennon...

There's Jim Mosaic Man's awesome dog Jesse Jane..She was having a lot of fun sniffing butts and trying to fight pit bulls..I love that dog..and I liked that Bloomberg flyer..I hate that fucking man. He belongs in the trash..No, the garbage is too good for him, really..

Then this garage style band played..They did bad Steppenwolf covers, but this girl was behind them energetically go-go dancing through their whole set with this beaming smile on her face..So that made it a lot better..

Stay tuned for pics of my 3 year old nephew's birthday party that I went to today..My sister Robyn and I always have fun taking weird, bizarre pics at our family get togethers. All three of us Brower gals(Gena, Robyn, and I) would build a cheerleading pyramid sometimes and stuff like that to remember our family holidays and events.